HBD Stats
The debt needs to stay bellow 30% for HBD to be valued at $1
Hive Debt Support Price:
The HIVE price that supports the current HBD in circulation
Hive Feed Price:
The 3.5 days historical median price for HIVE used for HBD to HIVE conversions
Hive Market Price:
HBD Supply Excluding The DHF:
This HBD supply is used for debt calculations
The HBD in the Hive DAO is locked and realized only on voted proposals at a maximum of 1% a day
Hive Market Cap:
The Hive market cap used for debt, calculated from the virtual hive supply and the feed price
HBD Supply Including The DHF:
The total HBD supply including the HBD held in the DAO/DHF
Share of HBD in Savings
Calculated from the HBD supply excluding the DHF balance
HBD Balance in Savings: